Quantum 20 UK – Twenty Amazing Quantum Companies from the United Kingdom

Quantum 20 UK - Twenty Amazing Quantum Companies from the United Kingdom

Our exclusive Quantum 20 UK index tracks the top 20 quantum companies in the United Kingdom involved in Quantum technology, from quantum hardware to Quantum Software and Quantum Consultancy. We also have a Quantum 10 UK, which lists the top 10 companies involved in everything from lasers to software in Quantum.

In no particular order, here are Quantum 20 UK – Twenty Amazing Quantum Companies from the United Kingdom

1. Quantinuum

Quantum 20 UK: Quantinuum

Quantinuum is a prominent player in the quantum computing industry, established in November 2021 through the merger of Cambridge Quantum and Honeywell Quantum Solutions.
Quantum 20 UK: Quantinuum

Quantinuum is a prominent player in the quantum computing industry, established in November 2021 through the merger of Cambridge Quantum and Honeywell Quantum Solutions. This merger created the largest integrated quantum computing company globally, combining Cambridge Quantum’s expertise in quantum software, operating systems, and cybersecurity with Honeywell’s high-performance trapped-ion quantum hardware. The aim was to accelerate the development of quantum technologies and provide real-world quantum-enabled solutions.

Quantinuum’s leadership includes Ilyas Khan, founder of Cambridge Quantum and CEO of Quantinuum, and Tony Uttley, President and Chief Operating Officer. Khan has been pivotal in guiding the company’s vision to integrate quantum computing into practical applications, while Uttley focuses on operational excellence and strategic growth.

Quantinuum has achieved significant milestones since its inception. In December 2021, the company launched a quantum cybersecurity product, followed by an enterprise software package in 2022 designed to tackle complex scientific problems in the pharmaceuticals and materials science fields. Notably, Quantinuum’s hardware, particularly the H-Series quantum computers, has set industry records for quantum volume, a metric introduced by IBM to measure overall system performance. As of April 2024, their systems reached a quantum volume of 1,048,576, demonstrating their advanced error reduction and system reliability capabilities.

The company’s core products and services span several key areas. They offer quantum cybersecurity solutions, leveraging their Quantum Origin platform to generate quantum-enhanced cryptographic keys. In computational chemistry, Quantinuum provides tools for drug discovery and materials science. They also specialize in optimization algorithms applicable to logistics and supply chain management. Their software solutions include TKET, a quantum software development toolkit, and Lambeq, an open-source quantum natural language processing library.

Quantinuum maintains a global presence with headquarters in Cambridge, UK, and Broomfield, Colorado, USA. It has offices in several major cities worldwide, including London, Oxford, Munich, Tokyo, and various locations in the United States, underscoring its international reach and collaborative efforts across different regions.

Quantinuum’s advancements and strategic partnerships underscore their commitment to pushing the boundaries of quantum computing, aiming to solve some of the most challenging problems that classical computing cannot address.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$5500Cambridgewww.quantinuum.comQuantinuum Records Highest Ever Quantum Volume in a boost for the industry
Quantinuum Announces Advancements In Quantum Error Correction Using Logical Qubits

2. Oxford Quantum Circuits

Quantum 20 UK: Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC). OQC is a prominent player in the quantum computing industry, founded in 2017 as a spin-out from the University of Oxford's physics department.
Quantum 20 UK: Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC)

Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC) is a prominent player in the quantum computing industry, founded in 2017 as a spin-out from the University of Oxford’s physics department. The company was established by Dr. Ilana Wisby and Peter Leek. Wisby, leveraging her extensive background in quantum physics and startup experience, has been a central figure in the company’s growth. OQC’s early milestones include developing and launching the UK’s first superconducting quantum computer in 2018. By 2021, the company introduced its Quantum Computing as a Service (QCaaS) platform, making its technology accessible to enterprises through a private cloud​​​​.

Key figures in OQC include Simon Phillips, the Chief Technology Officer with significant experience in scaling technology businesses, and Michelle Tsang, the Chief Financial and Operating Officer, who brings a strong background in finance and technology startups. The company is chaired by Peter George, who has been with OQC since 2021 and has extensive experience in leading public and private sector businesses​​​​.

A notable event in the company’s history was the successful completion of the largest Series A funding round for a UK quantum computing company in 2021, raising £38 million. Lansdowne Partners and UTEC led this round, which also included British Patient Capital, Oxford Science Enterprises, and Oxford Investment Consultants. This funding was pivotal for OQC’s international expansion and further technological advancements​​.

OQC’s core products and services revolve around quantum computing hardware and software solutions. The company is renowned for its patented Coaxmon technology, a superconducting qubit architecture designed for scalability and high performance. This technology underpins OQC’s QCaaS offering, enabling businesses to leverage quantum computing power for various applications, including complex problem-solving and simulations, without needing to invest in their quantum hardware​​​​.

Oxford Quantum Circuits continues to push the boundaries of quantum technology, aiming to provide accessible and reliable quantum computing solutions to a global market. Thus, it plays a critical role in the advancement of the quantum computing industry.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$80M25+Oxford, United Kingdomwww.oxfordquantumcircuits.comOxford Quantum Circuits Has Announced a £38 Million Series A Funding marking a landmark amount for a British Quantum Computing
Oxford Quantum Circuits Partners With Cyxtera To Launch Quantum Computer In Colocation Data Center
Oxford Quantum Circuits is finalist in Europas Tech Startup Awards 2020

3. Universal Quantum

Universal Quantum is a British quantum computing company founded in 2018 as a spin-off from the University of Sussex by Professor Winfried Hensinger and Dr. Sebastian Weidt.
Quantum 20 UK: Universal Quantum

Universal Quantum is a British quantum computing company founded in 2018 as a spin-off from the University of Sussex by Professor Winfried Hensinger and Dr. Sebastian Weidt. The company focuses on developing scalable quantum computers using trapped-ion technology, which uses charged atoms to perform computations. This approach is considered one of the most promising for creating practical quantum computers due to its potential for scalability and reduced error rates.

Universal Quantum has achieved significant milestones since its inception. In 2022, the company won a €67 million contract from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to build fully scalable quantum computers, marking one of the largest government quantum computing contracts awarded to a single company. This contract is part of the German Quantum Computing Initiative and underscores the potential impact of Universal Quantum’s technology on the field​​​​.

The company’s core technology leverages trapped-ion qubits interconnected through ultrafast electric field links, significantly faster and less error-prone than traditional photonic interconnects used in other quantum computing architectures. This modular approach allows for easier scaling to large qubit numbers, a crucial factor for performing complex quantum computations. Unlike other methods that require extremely low temperatures near absolute zero, Universal Quantum’s technology operates at more achievable temperatures, making it more practical for large-scale applications​​​​​​.

Universal Quantum has also garnered substantial investment and recognition in the industry. It received a £7.5 million grant from Innovate UK’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund to support its scalable quantum computing efforts. The company’s vision to develop the first million-qubit quantum computer has attracted high-profile investors, including Hoxton Ventures and Village Global, who are excited about the potential of its innovative approach to quantum computing​​​​.

Universal Quantum’s key figures include its co-founders, Professor Winfried Hensinger, who serves as Chairman and Chief Scientist, and Dr. Sebastian Weidt, the CEO. Their leadership and expertise have been pivotal in driving the company’s research and development efforts, positioning Universal Quantum as a leader in the quantum computing industry​​​​.

In summary, Universal Quantum is pioneering the development of scalable quantum computers using innovative trapped-ion technology. Its significant contracts, investments, and leadership in the field highlight its potential to revolutionize various industries through advanced quantum computing solutions.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$45M10+Sussex, United Kingdomwww.universalquantum.comBrighton based Universal Quantum raises $4.5m
Brighton Based Universal Quantum Scales up activities

4. KETS Quantum Security

Quantum 20 UK: KETS Quantum 

KETS Quantum Security, a UK-based company, was founded in 2016 by Chris Erven, Caroline Clark, and Jake Kennard. The company focuses on developing quantum-safe communication technologies to protect against current and future cyber threats.
Quantum 20 UK: KETS Quantum Security

KETS Quantum Security, a UK-based company, was founded in 2016 by Chris Erven, Caroline Clark, and Jake Kennard. The company focuses on developing quantum-safe communication technologies to protect against current and future cyber threats. Their core technologies include Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNG).

The company originated from research conducted at the University of Bristol, where the founders leveraged advances in integrated photonics to create compact, efficient quantum security solutions. These solutions are designed to secure communications by utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics, ensuring that data encryption remains robust against even quantum computing attacks​​​​.

Key figures in KETS Quantum Security include CEO Chris Erven and co-founders Jake Kennard and Caroline Clark. The company has achieved significant milestones since its inception, including raising £2 million in seed funding and participating in the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Ecosystem Acceleration Centre, sponsored by Facebook and BT​​. Additionally, KETS was named the UK’s Most Innovative Small Cyber Security Company at Infosecurity Europe in 2018​​.

KETS’ core products include the Quantum Key Distribution system, which provides a secure method for distributing cryptographic keys, and the Quantum Random Number Generator, which produces high-quality randomness essential for cryptographic applications​​. These technologies are critical for sectors like telecommunications, finance, defense, and government, where secure communication is paramount.

The company continues to expand its technological capabilities and market reach. Recent funding rounds, including a £3.1 million pre-series A funding, are aimed at accelerating the development and deployment of their QKD and QRNG products. KETS is also involved in significant projects such as the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI), which aims to establish a quantum-safe communications network across the EU by 2027​​​​.

In summary, KETS Quantum Security is a leading player in the quantum-safe communication industry, known for its innovative products and strategic collaborations that enhance global cybersecurity infrastructure.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$40M30+Bristol, Avon, United Kingdomwww.kets-quantum.com

5. Riverlane

Quantum UK 20: Riverlane

Riverlane is a quantum computing software company founded in 2016 by Dr. Steve Brierley, a senior research fellow in applied mathematics at the University of Cambridge.
Quantum 20 UK: Riverlane

Riverlane is a quantum computing software company founded in 2016 by Dr. Steve Brierley, a senior research fellow in applied mathematics at the University of Cambridge. The company’s primary mission is to develop software to transform experimental quantum technology into commercial products, specifically focusing on the development of a quantum operating system aimed at solving the error correction problem in quantum computing.

A significant milestone in Riverlane’s history was securing £3.25 million in seed funding in 2019, led by Cambridge Innovation Capital and Amadeus Capital Partners, along with participation from Cambridge Enterprise. This funding facilitated the advancement of Riverlane’s simulation engine for microscopic systems, intended to replace costly laboratory tests with computer simulations. The company’s technology is designed to leverage quantum computers to accelerate the simulation of quantum systems, which is pivotal for applications in materials science and drug discovery.

Riverlane has formed strategic collaborations with leading quantum hardware companies and academic institutions to pioneer solutions in quantum computing. For instance, they are working on a Quantum Error Correction Stack, designed to work with various qubit types, which is crucial for enhancing the reliability and scalability of quantum computers. The company’s partnerships extend to industry giants like Rolls-Royce and Xanadu, focusing on developing applications that could revolutionize sectors such as healthcare and climate change mitigation.

Dr. Steve Brierley, who has been a significant figure in the quantum computing community, was recognized with an OBE in the New Year Honours List 2024 for his contributions to the field. His vision is that quantum computers will expedite the development of new medicines and technologies to reduce carbon emissions, thus significantly accelerating human progress.

Riverlane’s core products and services include its quantum operating system and various quantum algorithms designed to run on different quantum hardware platforms. They aim to enable precise qubit control and real-time decoding for quantum error correction, which are essential for the practical implementation of quantum computing. The company’s innovative approach has positioned it as a leader in the quantum computing software industry, contributing to the development of fault-tolerant quantum computers that promise to transform computational tasks across numerous scientific and industrial domains.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$270M50+Cambridge, United Kingdomwww.riverlane.comRiverlane Develops Operating System To Address Scalability, Speed And Simulation In Quantum Computers
Investor Behind Quantum Company Riverlane Celebrates First Portfolio Day
Riverlane And Rigetti Announce A Partnership To Address Quantum Error Correction On Quantum Computers

6. Oxford Instruments

Quantum 20 UK: Oxford Instruments 

Oxford Instruments was founded in 1959 by Sir Martin Wood and his wife, Audrey Wood, in a garden shed on Northmoor Road, Oxford.
Quantum 20 UK: Oxford Instruments

Oxford Instruments was founded in 1959 by Sir Martin Wood and his wife, Audrey Wood, in a garden shed on Northmoor Road, Oxford. Initially, the company focused on manufacturing superconducting magnets for scientific research, a venture that grew from Martin Wood’s work at the Clarendon Laboratory at the University of Oxford. This pioneering effort marked the start of the first successful spin-out from Oxford University, and in 1983, Oxford Instruments became the first spin-out to be listed on the London Stock Exchange​​​​.

Key figures in the company’s history include Sir Martin Wood, who served as the technical and visionary leader, and Audrey Wood, who managed financial and personnel matters. Another significant figure was Jonathan Flint, who served as CEO from 2005 to 2016 and was instrumental in driving the company’s growth and diversification​​.

Over the years, Oxford Instruments has achieved several key milestones. In the 1980s, the company developed whole-body MRI scanners, which became one of its most recognized products. This innovation positioned Oxford Instruments as a leader in medical imaging technology. More recently, the company has focused on supporting quantum computing development, offering products like the Proteox dilution refrigerator, which is essential for cooling quantum processors to operational temperatures below five millikelvins​​​​​​.

Today, Oxford Instruments offers many high-technology tools and systems for research and industrial applications. Their core products and services include cryogenic systems, such as the Proteox dilution refrigerator for ultra-low temperature experiments, and fabrication solutions for quantum computing components. These solutions encompass atomic layer deposition (ALD) for superconducting materials, reactive ion etching (RIE), and advanced imaging and spectroscopy tools. These products support various research fields, including materials science, semiconductor research, and life sciences​​​​.

Oxford Instruments’ commitment to innovation and high-quality products has earned them numerous accolades, including the King’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation. Their technology continues to be critical in advancing research capabilities and industrial processes worldwide​​.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$1.4B1500+Abingdon, United Kingdomwww.oxinst.comNext Gen refrigerator technology from Oxford Instruments helps drive Quantum Computing forward

7. M Squared

Quantum 20 UK: M Squared

M Squared, a pioneering photonics and quantum technology company, was founded in 2006 by Dr. Graeme Malcolm OBE and Dr. Gareth Maker.
Quantum 20 UK: M Squared

M Squared, a pioneering photonics and quantum technology company, was founded in 2006 by Dr. Graeme Malcolm OBE and Dr. Gareth Maker. The company’s inception was marked by a mission to harness the power of light to drive scientific discovery and innovation across various sectors, including quantum technology, biophotonics, and chemical sensing​​​​.

One of M Squared’s key achievements has been the development of advanced laser systems. Their SolsTiS laser platform, renowned for its compactness and low-noise performance, has been instrumental in numerous quantum research breakthroughs globally. This platform earned the company significant accolades, including the Institute of Physics Innovation Award and the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation​​​​.

M Squared has also made significant strides in quantum computing. They developed the UK’s first commercial neutral atom quantum computing system, named Maxwell. This system demonstrated at the National Quantum Technologies Showcase, represents a milestone in making quantum computing hardware commercially viable. Maxwell’s architecture is designed to solve complex optimization problems, offering potential applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace, and finance​​.

In the realm of quantum sensing, M Squared has developed the UK’s first commercial quantum gravimeter and quantum accelerometer. These devices are used for precise measurements of gravitational fields and accelerations, respectively, with applications ranging from geological surveying to satellite-free navigation. The quantum gravimeter, for example, can detect underground objects by measuring tiny variations in the Earth’s gravitational field​​​​.

The company’s commitment to advancing quantum technology is further evidenced by the establishment their dedicated quantum research facility in Glasgow. This center, situated in the University of Strathclyde’s Inovo building, focuses on developing new quantum technologies, including quantum sensors and clocks. The facility underscores M Squared’s role in fostering collaborations between academia and industry to push the boundaries of quantum technology​​.

Overall, M Squared’s innovative products and strategic partnerships have positioned them as leaders in the quantum technology landscape. Their work spans fundamental research to practical applications, contributing to advancements in scientific research, industrial processes, and beyond.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$350M100+Glasgow, United Kingdomwww.m2lasers.comM Squared acquires £32.5 million to finance growth and quantum technology development
M Squared to spearhead UK’s largest industry-led project for the commercialisation of Quantum Computing

8. ORCA Computing

Quantum 20 UK: ORCA Computing 

ORCA Computing, established in 2019 as a spin-out from the University of Oxford, has rapidly become a prominent name in the field of quantum computing.
Quantum 20 UK: ORCA Computing

ORCA Computing, established in 2019 as a spin-out from the University of Oxford, has rapidly become a prominent name in the field of quantum computing. The company was co-founded by Professor Ian Walmsley, a leading figure in quantum optics and quantum memories, alongside Richard Murray and Josh Nunn. Walmsley, who is also the Chairman of the Board, has had a significant impact on the field through his previous roles and research contributions​​​​.

One of the key milestones for ORCA Computing was leading a £11.6 million grant from the UK government for the Quantum Data Centre of the Future project, which underscored its leadership in advancing quantum technologies. Additionally, ORCA has delivered its PT-1 quantum photonic systems to notable clients such as the UK Ministry of Defence​​.

The core technology of ORCA Computing revolves around leveraging photonic qubits and standard telecoms technologies to create scalable and modular quantum computing systems. Their products, particularly the PT Series, are designed for integration with existing classical computing infrastructures. This hybrid approach allows organizations to utilize quantum capabilities for specific applications, such as machine learning and variational algorithms, without waiting for fully mature quantum technologies​​.

In terms of technological advancements, ORCA Computing has focused on reducing the complexity and cost associated with quantum computing. Their innovations in quantum memory and multiplexing technologies have enabled significant strides toward more practical and scalable quantum systems. This includes the development of a gate-based system that integrates ORCA’s multiplexing and memory technologies, paving the way for more sophisticated quantum computing applications in the future​​.

The company has also expanded its global footprint and grown to a team of 45 employees. Notably, it has been involved in significant collaborations, such as with Montana State University to advance distributed quantum computing and with the National Quantum Computing Centre in the UK to develop a quantum computing testbed​​.

ORCA Computing’s leadership team, including Chief Commercial Officer Per Nyberg and Chief Technology Officer Thien-An Nguyen, brings extensive experience from various high-tech industries, ensuring a robust commercial and technical strategy that supports the company’s growth and innovation goals​​.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$55M50+London, United Kingdomwww.orcacomputing.comBritish Quantum Computing Firm ORCA, Claims Breakthrough in Quantum Computers
ORCA Computing raises almost £3m seed funding in boost for British Quantum Computing
British-based Quantum Companies Making Waves in the Quantum Industry

9. Quantum Motion Technologies

Quantum 20 UK: Quantum Motion

Quantum Motion is a British company focused on developing quantum computing technology using silicon-based qubits.
Quantum 20 UK: Quantum Motion

Quantum Motion is a British company focused on developing quantum computing technology using silicon-based qubits. Founded in 2017 by Professor John Morton and Dr. Simon Benjamin, Quantum Motion aims to create scalable quantum processors that leverage the established silicon manufacturing processes already ubiquitous in the semiconductor industry. The company’s primary objective is to integrate quantum computing capabilities with existing silicon technology to facilitate more efficient and cost-effective production of quantum computers.

Key figures at Quantum Motion include John Morton, who serves as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Morton has an extensive background in spin-based quantum technologies and has published over 120 research papers in the field. Another significant figure is James Palles-Dimmock, the CEO, who has a decade of experience in developing semiconductor technology. Jane Osborne-Buglear, the Chief Operating Officer (COO), brings 30 years of experience in technology development and commercialization.

One of the key events in the company’s history was winning the bid to develop the first silicon quantum computing prototype for the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC). This project aims to build a quantum processor test bed based on silicon technology, demonstrating the feasibility and scalability of Quantum Motion’s approach to quantum computing. This collaboration underscores the company’s strategic importance in the UK’s quantum computing landscape.

Quantum Motion’s core products and services revolve around the development of high-density silicon qubits and quantum processor architectures. The company focuses on creating fault-tolerant quantum computers, which require robust error mitigation strategies. Their technology includes cryo-electronics, which are essential for operating quantum processors at extremely low temperatures, and machine learning algorithms to optimize the performance of quantum devices. These innovations position Quantum Motion as a significant player in the effort to make quantum computing commercially viable and widely accessible.

The company has achieved several milestones, such as demonstrating integrated circuits capable of operating at deep cryogenic temperatures and characterizing thousands of quantum dots fabricated in a tier-one foundry. These advancements highlight the potential of silicon-based quantum technologies to meet the demands of large-scale quantum computing applications.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$150M30+Oxford, United Kingdomwww.quantummotion.techQuantum Motion launches a UK based Consortium to develop Cryo-Electronics chip
British based Quantum Motion publishes blueprint for scalable Quantum Computing

10. PQShield

Quantum 20 UK: PQShield 

PQShield is a company specializing in post-quantum cryptography, established as a spinout from the University of Oxford by Dr. Ali El Kaafarani and other cryptography researchers.
Quantum 20 UK: PQShield

PQShield is a company specializing in post-quantum cryptography, established as a spinout from the University of Oxford by Dr. Ali El Kaafarani and other cryptography researchers. The company focuses on developing and commercializing quantum-safe cryptographic solutions that protect data against the threats posed by quantum computing.

The foundation of PQShield’s work is its contribution to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project, which began in 2016. PQShield played a significant role in the development of the first NIST-approved post-quantum cryptographic standards, finalized in July 2022​​​​.

PQShield’s core products include a range of cryptographic solutions designed to be integrated into existing and future technologies. These include:

  1. PQSDK: A software development kit that provides implementations of both post-quantum and classical cryptographic primitives.
  2. PQCryptoLib: A software library offering a comprehensive collection of post-quantum and classical algorithms, optimized for performance and security.
  3. PQPlatform: A suite of hardware-based solutions including cryptographic co-processors and accelerators that implement lattice-based post-quantum cryptography, designed to be resilient against side-channel attacks​​.

The company has also been recognized for its innovative approach and significant contributions to the field of cybersecurity. In 2021, PQShield was named a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, highlighting its pivotal role in addressing the global cybersecurity challenges posed by quantum computing​​.

PQShield’s technologies are applied across various sectors, including semiconductors, military and aerospace, financial transactions, telecommunications, automotive, and industrial IoT, demonstrating the broad applicability and necessity of quantum-safe cryptography in modern and future digital infrastructures​​.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$65M20+Oxford, United Kingdomwww.pqshield.comPQShield Announces A Post-Quantum Upgrade For Signal Protocol

11. Quantopticon

Quantum 20 UK: Quantopticon

Quantopticon, a pioneering company in the field of quantum technology, was founded in 2017 by Dr. Gaby Slavcheva and Dr. Mirella Koleva.
Quantum 20 UK: Quantopticon

Quantopticon, a pioneering company in the field of quantum technology, was founded in 2017 by Dr. Gaby Slavcheva and Dr. Mirella Koleva. The company emerged from a rich background of academic research and a clear vision to address the challenges in designing and optimizing quantum photonic devices. Slavcheva, with extensive experience in theoretical quantum optics and condensed matter physics, and Koleva, with a PhD in Photonics and a background in building advanced microscopes, combined their expertise to create Quantopticon’s core product, Quantillion​​​​​​.

Quantillion is an advanced simulation software designed to model the behavior of quantum photonic devices with exceptional accuracy. This software leverages complex computational models to predict light-matter interactions, significantly reducing the need for trial-and-error experiments in device development. The primary aim of Quantillion is to facilitate the design of solid-state quantum photonic components and integrated circuits, which are crucial for the advancement of quantum computing and ultra-secure quantum communications​​​​.

The inception of Quantopticon was catalyzed by the rapid progress in quantum technologies around 2014, leading Slavcheva and Koleva to realize the urgent need for sophisticated simulation tools in this burgeoning field. Their collaborative work with world-leading experimentalists from the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge helped secure early funding from Innovate UK, which was instrumental in developing Quantillion’s graphical user interface and underlying code​​​​.

Key milestones in Quantopticon’s journey include their inclusion in the Duality Accelerator program, which supports quantum startups, and securing a significant grant from the European Space Agency to develop high-quality single-photon sources for a European quantum encryption satellite. These achievements underscore Quantopticon’s pivotal role in advancing quantum photonic technologies and its potential impact on various applications, from quantum computing to quantum key distribution​​.

Quantopticon’s methodology, which allows for a detailed simulation of quantum dynamics and optimization of photonic components, has garnered recognition for its potential to drastically shorten development cycles and reduce costs. This innovative approach positions Quantopticon at the forefront of the quantum technology industry, with ambitions to influence the mass manufacturing of quantum photonic devices and become integral to the semiconductor foundries’ product design cycle​​.

Quantopticon’s contributions are not only technical but also strategic, fostering collaborations across academia, government, and industry to drive forward the commercialization and practical deployment of quantum technologies. This holistic approach ensures that Quantopticon remains a key player in the global quantum technology landscape, facilitating the transition from theoretical research to practical, scalable solutions​​​​​​.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
Over $11MUnder 10London, United Kingdomwww.quantopticon.co.uk

12. Post Quantum (PQ Solutions)

Quantum 20 UK: Post-Quantum 

Post-Quantum is a company at the forefront of developing cryptographic solutions that are secure against the threats posed by quantum computing. Founded in 2009 by Andersen Cheng, Post-Quantum is headquartered in London and has established itself as a leader in the field of quantum-safe cryptography.
Quantum 20 UK: Post-Quantum

Post-Quantum is a company at the forefront of developing cryptographic solutions that are secure against the threats posed by quantum computing. Founded in 2009 by Andersen Cheng, Post-Quantum is headquartered in London and has established itself as a leader in the field of quantum-safe cryptography.

One of the key figures in the company is Andersen Cheng, the CEO and co-founder, who has a background in risk management and cybersecurity. Under his leadership, Post-Quantum has participated actively in initiatives to develop standards for post-quantum cryptography. The company has been involved in various significant events, such as contributing to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) post-quantum cryptography standardization project. This project aims to identify and standardize cryptographic algorithms resistant to quantum attacks.

Post-Quantum offers several core products and services designed to protect data against future quantum threats. These include encryption algorithms, digital signature schemes, and secure communication protocols that can withstand attacks from both classical and quantum computers. One of their notable products is the Quantum Resistant Encryption Algorithms Suite, which provides robust encryption methods designed to secure data in a post-quantum world. Additionally, they offer solutions for secure communication, such as quantum-safe VPNs, which ensure that data transmitted over networks remains protected against potential quantum decryption.

The company’s focus on research and development has led to significant advancements in the field. They have developed cryptographic solutions based on various approaches, including lattice-based cryptography and hash-based cryptography, both of which are considered promising in the context of quantum resistance. These methods are designed to provide security by leveraging complex mathematical problems that are believed to be difficult for quantum computers to solve.

Post-Quantum’s commitment to cybersecurity extends beyond product development. They engage with government agencies, financial institutions, and other organizations to promote the adoption of quantum-safe cryptographic standards and practices. This proactive approach aims to ensure that critical infrastructure and sensitive data remain secure as quantum computing technology continues to evolve.

The company’s contributions to the field are recognized globally, and they continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of secure communication in a quantum era. By focusing on both theoretical research and practical implementation, Post-Quantum is helping to pave the way for a secure digital future.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
10+London, United Kingdomwww.post-quantum.com

13. Nu Quantum

Quantum 20 UK: Nu Quantum 

Nu Quantum is a pioneering company in the field of quantum networking, founded in 2018 as a spin-out from the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge
Quantum 20 UK: Nu Quantum

Nu Quantum is a pioneering company in the field of quantum networking, founded in 2018 as a spin-out from the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge. The company aims to commercialize groundbreaking research in quantum photonics and networking, with a focus on creating high-performance, single-photon technologies that are critical for the future of quantum information processing.

The key figures behind Nu Quantum include co-founders Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, Matthew Applegate, Mete Atatüre, and Yuri Andersson. Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, the CEO, is an award-winning quantum physicist recognized for her contributions to the field, including the Jocelyn Bell Burnell Medal and Prize in 2018 for her work on 2D materials and quantum optics. Mete Atatüre, serving as the Chief Scientific Officer, has led significant research at the Cavendish Laboratory, focusing on solid-state-based quantum science and technologies.

Nu Quantum has made several significant strides since its inception. In 2020, the company raised £2.1 million in seed funding, which was pivotal for its expansion and recruitment activities. In 2023, it secured an additional £7 million in pre-series A funding to accelerate the development of its quantum networking infrastructure. This round of funding was led by prominent investors including Amadeus Capital Partners, Expeditions Fund, and IQ Capital, with contributions from the National Security Strategic Investment Fund (NSSIF) and Presidio Ventures.

The core products and services of Nu Quantum revolve around the development of quantum networking units (QNUs) capable of efficiently scaling discrete quantum processing units (QPUs). This technology enables the creation of larger and more functional quantum computers by interconnecting multiple smaller cores, each containing tens to thousands of qubits. Nu Quantum’s approach is unique in that it is agnostic to the type of qubit technology used, allowing for broad applicability across different quantum computing systems. This modular and scalable solution is essential for overcoming the limitations of current quantum computers and unlocking their full potential for various high-impact applications across industries such as pharmaceuticals and financial services.

Nu Quantum’s technology is underpinned by a strong portfolio of intellectual property, including several pending and granted patents in areas such as scalable optical cavity locking and single-photon generation. The company’s innovations are designed to be interoperable with different qubit modalities, significantly enhancing the flexibility and scalability of quantum networks.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
Under 10Cambridge, United Kingdomnu-quantum.comNu Quantum raises £2.1 million to help commercialise proprietary quantum photonics hardware

14. Crypto Quantique

Quantum 20 UK: Crypto Quantique

Crypto Quantique is a deep technology company founded in 2016 by Dr. Shahram Mossayebi and Dr. Patrick Camilleri. Dr. Mossayebi, who holds a Ph.D. in Post-Quantum Cryptography from Royal Holloway University of London, serves as the CEO.
Quantum 20 UK: Crypto Quantique

Crypto Quantique is a deep technology company founded in 2016 by Dr. Shahram Mossayebi and Dr. Patrick Camilleri. Dr. Mossayebi, who holds a Ph.D. in Post-Quantum Cryptography from Royal Holloway University of London, serves as the CEO. In contrast, Dr. Camilleri, with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Otto-von-Guericke University in Germany, is the VP of Research, Innovation, and Engineering​​​​.

The company was established to address significant security challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem by leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques and quantum physics. Their core innovation lies in creating the world’s first quantum-driven secure chip design for standard silicon, integrated with an end-to-end architecture for cryptographic key and lifecycle management​​.

Crypto Quantique’s flagship products include the QDID (Quantum-Driven Identity). This hardware root-of-trust solution generates unique, unforgeable cryptographic keys using quantum tunneling, and QuarkLink, a comprehensive IoT security platform. QDID is designed to ensure secure device identity, while QuarkLink facilitates secure provisioning, onboarding, and lifecycle management of IoT devices​​​​.

Key events in the company’s history include the introduction of QuarkLink in 2020, which marked a significant advancement in IoT security management, and their selection for the European Innovation Council (EIC) grant funding in 2023, recognizing their innovative contributions to the cybersecurity field​​.

Crypto Quantique operates with a strong network of strategic partnerships, including collaborations with Renesas, STMicroelectronics, and other major industry players. These alliances help to enhance the scalability and integration of their security solutions across various sectors, including industrial IoT, automotive, healthcare, and consumer electronics​​.

The company’s board and executive team feature experienced professionals from diverse backgrounds in cybersecurity, cryptography, and semiconductor industries. Notable figures include Robert Clyde, the Chairman of the Board, and John Pearson, an Investment Director at Parkwalk Advisors, who supports the company’s growth and strategic direction​​​​.

Overall, Crypto Quantique stands out in the cybersecurity landscape for its innovative use of quantum technology to provide robust security solutions for the growing IoT ecosystem.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
$40M30+London, United Kingdomww.cryptoquantique.com

15. Quantum Dice

Quantum 20 UK: Quantum Dice

Quantum Dice was founded in April 2020 as a spinout of the University of Oxford’s quantum optics laboratory.
Quantum 20 UK: Quantum Dice

Quantum Dice was founded in April 2020 as a spinout of the University of Oxford’s quantum optics laboratory. The company was established by Ramy Shelbaya, George Dunlop, Wenmiao Yu, Marko Mayr, and Zhanet Zaharive, leveraging research developed in the university’s Quantum Optics research group. The founding team was awarded funding and support through the Oxford University Innovation and Oxford Sciences Enterprises after winning a competition for student entrepreneurs. This competition was part of the first Student Entrepreneurship (StEP) Ignite Programme organized by Oxford University Innovation and the Oxford Foundry​​​​.

The company’s core technology is its quantum random number generator (QRNG), which uses the principles of quantum mechanics to generate truly random numbers. This is achieved by harnessing the inherent randomness of quantum processes, such as the behavior of photons within an optical circuit. Quantum Dice’s QRNG technology is particularly distinguished by its device-independent and self-certifying capabilities, ensuring the security and integrity of the generated random numbers without relying on assumptions about the underlying hardware. This makes it a robust solution for applications requiring high-security random number generation, such as encryption and cybersecurity​​​​.

One of the notable achievements of Quantum Dice is the development of its DISC™ (Device-Independent Self-Certifying) protocol, which ensures that the randomness is derived from quantum phenomena rather than classical noise. This technology has significant implications for improving security in various digital infrastructures, particularly as the number of connected devices worldwide is expected to exceed 75 billion by 2025​​.

Quantum Dice has received considerable recognition and investment since its inception. The company won the Institute of Physics (IOP) Business Start-Up Award in 2021 for its innovative contributions to photonics and quantum technology. Additionally, in October 2021, Quantum Dice secured £1 million in venture capital funding from a consortium led by Elaia, with further support from IP Group and Midven. This funding is being used to develop the world’s first compact, self-certifying QRNG​​​​.

Key figures in the company include CEO Ramy Shelbaya, CTO Marko Mayr, COO Zhanet Zaharive, Director of Partnerships George Dunlop, and Director of Business Development Wenmiao Yu. The leadership team has been instrumental in driving the company’s growth and securing its position in the quantum technology market. Their efforts have also been recognized by inclusion in Forbes’ ’30 Under 30′ in the Technology category​​.

Quantum Dice’s products, such as the APEX QRNG and the VERTEX QRNG, are designed for high-security applications in telecommunications, data centers, and other enterprise environments. These products provide the highest levels of randomness and security, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected against potential threats​​​​.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
>$10M20+Oxford, United Kingdomwww.quantum-dice.comQuantum Start-up of the day: Quantum Dice
British Security Company Quantum Dice raises £2m in Pre-Seed round

16. PhaseCraft

Quantum 20 UK: PhaseCraft

PhaseCraft, a prominent player in the quantum computing sector, was founded in 2018 by a team of quantum scientists and engineers from University College London (UCL) and the University of Bristol.
Quantum 20 UK: PhaseCraft

PhaseCraft, a prominent player in the quantum computing sector, was founded in 2018 by a team of quantum scientists and engineers from University College London (UCL) and the University of Bristol. This academic lineage underscores the company’s commitment to bridging the gap between academic research and practical quantum computing applications. Key figures in its foundation include Dr. Toby Cubitt, Dr. Ashley Montanaro, and Dr. John Morton, all of whom are recognized for their significant contributions to quantum science and technology.

The company’s primary focus is on developing quantum algorithms and software, which are essential for harnessing the potential of quantum hardware. PhaseCraft’s research has led to groundbreaking advancements in quantum algorithms, particularly in the optimization and simulation of quantum systems. These advancements have positioned PhaseCraft as a leader in quantum intellectual property (IP), making it a crucial player in the quantum computing ecosystem.

One of the notable milestones for PhaseCraft was its collaboration with Google, IBM, and Rigetti, which are leading developers of quantum hardware. These partnerships enable PhaseCraft to test and refine its algorithms on some of the most advanced quantum processors available, facilitating the transition from theoretical research to practical application. Such collaborations are indicative of the company’s strategic approach to integrating its software solutions with state-of-the-art quantum hardware.

PhaseCraft’s core products and services revolve around quantum software solutions designed to optimize quantum computing performance. Their algorithms address key challenges in materials science, logistics, and other fields that require complex problem-solving capabilities beyond the reach of classical computing. The company also offers consultancy services to help organizations integrate quantum computing into their operations, aiming to prepare industries for the forthcoming quantum era.

Overall, PhaseCraft’s trajectory is marked by its foundational academic expertise, strategic industry partnerships, and a clear focus on developing practical quantum computing applications. These elements collectively underscore its pivotal role in advancing the field of quantum computing.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
Under 10London, United Kingdomwww.phasecraft.ioBritish Quantum Start-up Phasecraft Models Electrons In Materials More Effectively
Phasecraft battles noise and errors in near term quantum hardware devices with its new exciting project
Phasecraft announces new research paper published by Physics and gains £3.7m funding

17. Oxford Ionics

Quantum 20 UK: Oxford Ionics

Oxford Ionics is delivering world-leading innovations to create the most powerful, accurate and reliable quantum computers.
Quantum 20 UK: Oxford Ionics

Oxford Ionics is delivering world-leading innovations to create the most powerful, accurate, and reliable quantum computers.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
Under 10Oxford, United Kingdomwww.oxionics.comOxford Ionics And Infineon Technologies AG Announce A Partnership To Develop Fully Integrated QPUs

18. Kuano

Quantum 20 UK: Kuano Ltd. 

Kuano was founded in 2020 by Vid Stojevic, David Wright, Jarryl D'Oyley, and Parminder Ruprah. The company is based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and focuses on combining quantum physics, artificial intelligence (AI), and medicinal chemistry to enhance drug discovery and design.
Quantum 20 UK: Kuano Ltd.

Kuano Ltd. was founded in 2020 by Vid Stojevic, David Wright, Jarryl D’Oyley, and Parminder Ruprah. The company is based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and focuses on combining quantum physics, artificial intelligence (AI), and medicinal chemistry to enhance drug discovery and design. The core of Kuano’s technology is a quantum mapping and AI-based discovery platform aimed at transforming the process of therapeutic discovery, particularly enzyme inhibition, to improve drug quality and reduce discovery time.

Kuano’s approach leverages advanced computational methods to streamline the early stages of drug development, providing significant advantages in terms of efficiency and precision. This innovative platform has positioned Kuano as a key player in the healthcare technology sector, specifically within discovery tools and biotechnology.

In terms of funding, Kuano has successfully raised a total of $3.86 million through various seed rounds and grants. Notable investors include Ascension Ventures, Cambridge Angels, Meltwind Advisory, and Mercia Asset Management. As of the latest available data, Kuano operates with a small but specialized team of 11 employees.

Key figures in the company include CEO Vid Stojevic, CTO David Wright, and COO Denise Moody, who are instrumental in driving Kuano’s mission and technological advancements. The company continues to explore the integration of quantum computing in medicinal chemistry, aiming to revolutionize the drug discovery process and contribute to the development of novel therapeutics.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
Under 10Cambridge, United Kingdomwww.kuano.ai

19. Arqit

Quantum 20 UK: Arqit

Arqit Quantum Inc. is a prominent company specializing in quantum encryption technologies. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in London, Arqit focuses on developing quantum-safe encryption solutions to address the increasing cybersecurity threats posed by advancements in quantum computing.
Quantum 20 UK: Arqit

Arqit Quantum Inc. is a prominent company specializing in quantum encryption technologies. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in London, Arqit focuses on developing quantum-safe encryption solutions to address the increasing cybersecurity threats posed by advancements in quantum computing.

The company’s core product, the Symmetric Key Agreement (SKA) Platform, provides a unique approach to encryption by enabling devices to create secure encryption keys in partnership with other devices. This platform is designed to be computationally secure and supports limitless volumes of keys with flexible group sizes and refresh rates. It can be deployed as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) or as a sovereign private instance, making it versatile for various use cases, including financial services, government, defense, IoT, and telecommunications sectors​​​​.

Arqit has achieved several key milestones since its inception. Notably, in 2023, the company launched its quantum key distribution (QKD) satellites aimed at providing global, trustless quantum key distribution. These satellites are designed to deliver quantum-encrypted keys without storing them onboard, thus maintaining high security across transmissions. This development places Arqit at the forefront of quantum encryption technology, surpassing existing protocols that face challenges in trustless and global key distribution​​.

The leadership team at Arqit includes notable figures such as David Williams, the Founder Chairman, and CEO, and David Bestwick, the CTO, and Co-Founder. Their collective expertise spans various fields, including satellite communications and cryptography, contributing significantly to the company’s innovative capabilities​​.

Financially, Arqit reported a revenue of £2 million in 2022, reflecting its early-stage growth amidst substantial investments in technology development and operational expansion​​. Despite challenges, the company continues to make strides in advancing its encryption technologies and securing strategic partnerships to enhance its market presence.

Overall, Arqit is recognized for its groundbreaking innovations in quantum-safe encryption, addressing the critical need for robust cybersecurity solutions in an increasingly connected world.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
11-50London, United Kingdomwww.arqit.ukNew Quantum SPAC. Centricus Acquisition Corp, to Merge With Quantum Encryption Technology company, Arqit Limited

20. Crypta Labs

Quantum 20 UK: Crypta Labs

Crypta Labs a quantum security company based in London, was founded in 2014 by Dr. Jose Coello. The company specializes in developing Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) which are essential for enhancing encryption protocols, particularly for the Internet of Things (IoT).
Quantum 20 UK: Crypta Labs

Crypta Labs, a quantum security company based in London, was founded in 2014 by Dr. Jose Coello. The company specializes in developing Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) which are essential for enhancing encryption protocols, particularly for the Internet of Things (IoT). Dr. Coello’s initial breakthrough involved using a mobile device camera to generate true random numbers by capturing scattered photons, a concept that led to several patented technologies​​​​.

Key figures in Crypta Labs include Jonathan Maliepaard, the CEO, and Oliver Maynard, the CTO, along with Dr. Coello who serves as the Chief Scientific Officer. These individuals have played crucial roles in steering the company towards its innovation and market presence​​​​.

Over the years, Crypta Labs has achieved significant milestones. One of the notable events was their participation in the Low Earth Orbit environment project, funded by the UK Space Agency and UKRI, which highlighted their QRNG technology’s applicability in space​​. Additionally, the company has raised substantial investment through multiple rounds, including seed funding and grants from Innovate UK and Bloc Ventures, totaling approximately $4.4 million​​.

Crypta Labs’ core products include hardware and software solutions designed around QRNG technology. Their hardware products, such as the Quantum Optics Module (QOM) and the USB Quantum Hardware Security Module (HSM), are designed to provide high-quality entropy for secure key generation and storage. On the software side, they offer Quantum Random Numbers as a Service (QRNaaS), which allows clients to obtain quantum random numbers through secure API calls​​​​.

The company’s technology is particularly aimed at sectors requiring high-security measures, including autonomous vehicles, defense, and satellite communications​​. Their ongoing research and development efforts continue to push the boundaries of quantum cryptography, positioning Crypta Labs as a key player in the quantum security landscape.

Estimated Value ($Bln)Number Of Employees (est)LocationWebsiteArticles
Under 10Oxford, United Kingdomwww.cryptalabs.com