William “whurley” Hurley, Founder and CEO of Strangeworks, discusses making quantum computing accessible to everyone.

William Hurley

William Hurley, often known as Whurley, is the founder and CEO of Strangeworks, a quantum computing firm that makes quantum computing power accessible to anyone. He offers his knowledge and explains what quantum computing is, how it works, and what it could mean for healthcare, materials research, and artificial intelligence.

Strangeworks is a computing software firm in Austin, TX, that is entirely focused on making everything run on the cloud. Strangeworks is making quantum computing accessible by designing and delivering tools for software developers and researchers and systems management for IT Administrators and CIOs.

During the interview, whurley emphasized a few points worth remembering when tackling quantum technology.

“Quantum computing is the future of humanity. It is the computational ability that we need to build other forms of computing… They’ll be amorphic, neuromorphic, DNA-based things.”

William ‘WHurley’ hurley, founder and CEO of StrangeWorks

According to whurley, the unique features of quantum physics enable the computation of previously intractable problems that traditional computers require evaluation periods of millions of years to solve.

He also mentioned that 2023 might be to quantum technology what 1963 was to the space race. With the quick public adoption of ChatGPT, which has demonstrated UX innovation’s power over-complicated technology, quantum is ready for such a breakthrough.

and when whurley was asked by the question, ‘What’s Next, Austin? he said,

“It needs to be community-focused, collaboratively driven with a cause, with a purpose. And that would be to build an ecosystem that supports an entrepreneur, whether they’re me, or you, or some kid at UT or ACC or whatever that has an idea so that everybody can get a chance.”

Hear more about it here.
