Quantum Conferences Go Virtual. QCTIP goes online with Zoom.

Quantum Conferences Go Virtual. Qctip Goes Online With Zoom.

As more and more conferences are shuttered, many organisers are turning to creating virtual conferences rather then cancel completely. The latest conference to be made accessible by the virtues of the internet is the Quantum Computing Theory in Practice conference scheduled for early April in Cambridge.

Quantum Conferences Go Virtual. Qctip Goes Online With Zoom.
QCTIP will now be delivered by Zoom – sure saves on the airfare! Not sure how the poster session will work however!

Sadly we were due to go, but we will be there on Zoom.

The event will take place across 6th – 8th April (British Summer Time) and will be broken up into ‘sessions’ via Zoom webinar. Each of the sessions will have an individual zoom link. Chat will be enabled on various QCTIP slack channels, which you will also be invited to. There will be the chance to ask speakers questions via slack; there will be a channel for each session in order to do this.