Quantum Inspired MemComputing says RSA 2048 can be broken in real-time

Quantum Inspired Memcomputing Says Rsa 2048 Can Be Broken In Real-Time

MemComputing, a quantum-inspired company building computational devices in a fundamentally different way, claims that they have developed a novel circuit design that can potentially break RSA 2048 encrypted messages. The technology, part of a USAF Phase II SBIR (military proposal), has demonstrated the ability to solve 300+ bit products of two primes in emulation mode. The company forecasts that when scaled up and implemented as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), RSA 2048 could be broken in real-time.

MemComputing’s Novel Circuit Design

The novel circuit, when tested in emulation mode, has shown the capability to solve 300+ bit products of two prime numbers.

The company forecasts that when this circuit design is scaled up and implemented as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), it could potentially break RSA 2048 encryption in real time. This would be a significant development in the field of encryption and cybersecurity, as RSA 2048 is currently one of the most secure encryption methods available.

Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM)

The company will share this information during a Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM). These meetings are open forums where technology companies share their latest developments and findings. However, it’s important to note that these meetings are not marketing venues or requests for proposal actions. The event is to be held on the 31st of August.

The presentations given during these meetings are not considered as proposals, and no awards are made as a result of a TEM session. The meetings are public and open forums; only publicly facing content is permissible during TEM sessions.

Quick Summary

MemComputing has developed a new circuit design capable of breaking RSA 2048 encrypted messages, demonstrating the ability to solve 300+ bit products of two primes in emulation mode. When scaled up and implemented as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), it is predicted that RSA 2048 could be broken in real time.

  • MemComputing, a technology vendor, has developed a new circuit design that can potentially break RSA 2048 encrypted messages.
  • This development is part of a USAF Phase II SBIR project.
  • The circuit has demonstrated the ability to solve 300+ bit products of two primes in emulation mode.
  • The company forecasts that when the technology is scaled up and implemented as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), it could break RSA 2048 in real time.
  • The information was shared during a Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM), which is a public open forum.
  • The video recordings, slide decks, and other relevant materials from the TEM are available on the OpenHive collaboration website.

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