Quantum Computing in The Cloud: A Systematic Literature Review

Quantum Computing In The Cloud: A Systematic Literature Review

Quantum computing, a technology that uses principles of quantum mechanics to enhance computing power, is being heavily invested in by top developers like IBM, Google, Rigetti, D-Wave, and Intel, as well as countries like the US, China, and Britain. The technology can potentially revolutionize fields like cryptography, chemistry, finance, and machine learning. Despite challenges in controlling qubits and the need for more reliable devices, the future of quantum computing is promising, with advancements like cloud-based quantum computing making the technology more accessible.

What is Quantum Computing and How Does it Work?

Quantum computing is a revolutionary technology that was initially designed to simulate processes that surpass the capabilities of classical computing. It utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to enhance computing power. Quantum mechanics observes objects microscopically, while classical mechanics observes objects macroscopically. Both are crucial in physics, but quantum computing leverages key elements from quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, qubit (quantum bit), and superposition.

Quantum entanglement, one of the most explored features in quantum mechanics, is a critical element in quantum computing. It serves as a catalyst in demonstrating the advantage of quantum computing over classical computing. A qubit, the basic unit of information in quantum information, is used in quantum computing, unlike classical computing that uses bits (0s or 1s) to carry information. Superposition, another key element, can be described as a quantum system that is in multiple states at a given time until it is interrupted, usually by measurement.

Who are the Key Players in Quantum Computing?

Several top developers, including IBM, Google, Rigetti, D-Wave, and Intel, have invested heavily in quantum computing technology. In addition to these private sector players, some countries, including the United States, China, and Britain, are also joining the race for quantum technologies. The attention towards quantum computing has been growing over the past years, not only in the scientific research domain but also in industrial technology.

Quantum technologies could be a significant asset or even a threat for some. They have the potential to revolutionize various areas such as cryptography, chemistry, finance, and machine learning. The quantum computing power has been growing over the years, demonstrating its capabilities over classical computing in solving complex problems in a remarkable amount of time.

What is the Current State of Quantum Computing?

The term “NISQ era,” coined by Preskill, stands for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum. The phrase “Noisy” refers to the inability to perfectly control the qubits, while “intermediate-scale” refers to the size of quantum processors. The range is suggested to be between 50 to a few hundred qubits. Top developers such as IBM and Google have developed quantum computing devices in this range.

Despite the considerable progress in quantum computing, it is still a long way to go for quantum computers to be reliable and fault-tolerant devices. However, the rapidly expanding technology should be regarded as a step towards developing a more powerful quantum computing in the future.

What is Cloud-Based Quantum Computing?

The goal to provide access to functional quantum devices to the research community, clients, and public users has led to the development of a new computer system architecture – cloud-based quantum computing. It serves as a connection medium between users and the quantum systems through the network via classical devices. This allows users to access the technology through the quantum cloud without the need to have a physical quantum device.

Different developers deliver different architecture and functionality of the system on their platforms. This has indirectly spawned a question of which cloud-based quantum computing platform is a better option based on certain specific requirements by an individual or group.

What is the Future of Quantum Computing?

The future of quantum computing is promising, with continuous advancements in technology and increased investments from major tech companies and countries. The development of cloud-based quantum computing has made the technology more accessible to users, opening up new possibilities for research and application.

However, there are still challenges to overcome, such as the inability to perfectly control qubits and the need for more reliable and fault-tolerant devices. As the technology continues to evolve, it is expected to revolutionize various fields and solve complex problems more efficiently than classical computing.

Publication details: “Quantum Computing in The Cloud – A Systematic Literature Review”
Publication Date: 2024-02-23
Authors: Amirul Asyraf Zhahir, Siti Munirah Mohd, Mohd Ilias M Shuhud, Bahari Idrus, et al.
Source: International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32985/ijeces.15.2.7