Pasqal and Welinq Forge Quantum Computing Partnership, Aiming for 10,000-Qubit QPUs by 2027

Pasqal And Welinq Forge Quantum Computing Partnership, Aiming For 10,000-Qubit Qpus By 2027

Pasqal, a leader in neutral atom quantum computing, and quantum networking company Welinq, have partnered to develop quantum interconnects. The collaboration aims to address challenges in neutral atom quantum computing. Welinq’s technology will allow multiple Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) to network, helping Pasqal overcome qubit scaling hurdles.

The partnership will also enhance computational power and establish expansive quantum networks. By 2024, Welinq aims to have an industrial prototype of their quantum memory, while Pasqal targets a 1000-qubit QPU breakthrough. The companies’ CEOs, Georges-Olivier Reymond (Pasqal) and Tom Darras (Welinq), expressed their commitment to practical quantum computing.

Quantum Computing Companies Pasqal and Welinq Announce Partnership

Pasqal, a company specializing in neutral atom quantum computing, and Welinq, a company focused on quantum networking, have announced a partnership to advance the quantum computing industry. The collaboration will combine the unique capabilities of both companies to tackle some of the most complex and intriguing challenges in neutral atom quantum computing.

Next-Generation Quantum Processing Units and Quantum Interconnect Technology

The future of Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) is expected to involve the execution of quantum algorithms that rely on many qubits. The application of error correction would require an even larger number of qubits. This partnership will utilize Welinq’s quantum interconnect technology, which enables the networking of multiple QPUs, to overcome the challenges of qubit scaling for fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Welinq’s technology offers a unique solution for interconnecting multiple QPUs, thereby significantly increasing computational power. This innovative approach not only allows for the scaling up of the number of qubits and optimized QPU deployment, but also lays the groundwork for expansive quantum networks. Central to this breakthrough are Welinq’s quantum memories, which are crucial in creating these important quantum links.

Quantum Processing Unit Interconnectivity and Scalability

The partnership between Pasqal and Welinq aims to push the boundaries of QPU interconnectivity. Welinq contributes its full-stack, turnkey quantum links and highly efficient quantum memories based on cold neutral atoms, which promise to provide the scalability necessary for achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing. Pasqal brings its expertise in quantum computing with neutral atoms, featuring full-stack capabilities from hardware design and development to software solutions

The joint quantum roadmap of Welinq and Pasqal outlines ambitious milestones. By the end of 2024, Welinq aims to have an industrial prototype of their neutral atom quantum memory with leading-edge efficiency, storage time, and fidelity. Pasqal is targeting a breakthrough in 2024 with 1000-qubit QPUs. The roadmap reaches its peak in the 2026-2027 timeframe with projected 10,000-qubit QPUs and high-fidelity two-qubit gates. By 2030, they aim to foster a thriving quantum computing ecosystem, driving significant scientific and commercial advancements.

Vision for Interconnected Multi-QPU Systems

The ultimate goal of the companies is to develop interconnected multi-QPU systems, which would enable secure quantum information sharing and herald an era of large-scale quantum computation. For the first time, multiple Pasqal neutral atom quantum processors will be interconnected, significantly enhancing computing power. This represents a significant step towards developing a complete, fault-tolerant quantum computing architecture that supports distributed computing.

Georges-Olivier Reymond, CEO & Co-founder of Pasqal, and Tom Darras, CEO & Co-founder of Welinq, both expressed their excitement about the partnership and its potential to boost the global quantum community towards achieving practical quantum computing in networked quantum computer architectures.

Pasqal is a quantum computing company that builds quantum processors from ordered neutral atoms in 2D and 3D arrays. The company was founded in 2019 and has secured more than €140 million in financing to date.

Welinq is a quantum networking company that develops and commercializes quantum links based on laser-cooled neutral atom quantum memories. The company was founded in 2022 as a spin-out from Sorbonne Université, CNRS, and PSL-University.

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