Osaka University Team Develops New Method for Predicting Chemical Properties Using Neural Networks

Osaka University Team Develops New Method For Predicting Chemical Properties Using Neural Networks

Researchers from Osaka University have developed a new method for predicting chemical properties using a universal neural network potential. The method, which uses transfer learning with a graph neural network potential, M3GNet, has demonstrated accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods for predicting NMR chemical shifts. The team’s approach could potentially accelerate the discovery of new molecules and materials. The method overcomes the limitations of quantum chemistry and first-principles calculations, and could revolutionize fields such as material catalysis and drug design. The researchers’ work is a significant step towards scalable chemical property prediction using quantum and classical computers.

What is the New Approach to Chemical Property Prediction?

A team of researchers from the Graduate School of Engineering Science and the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology at Osaka University have developed a new method for predicting chemical properties. This method is crucial for advancing molecular design and materials discovery. The team’s approach uses the intermediate information of a universal neural network potential as a general-purpose descriptor for chemical property prediction.

The method is based on the insight that by training a sophisticated neural network architecture for universal force fields, it learns transferable representations of atomic environments. The team demonstrated that transfer learning with a graph neural network potential, M3GNet, achieves accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods for predicting the NMR chemical shifts of 1H, 13C, 15N, 17O, and 19F using quantum machine learning as well as a standard classical regression model, despite the compactness of its descriptors.

This work provides an efficient way to accurately predict properties, potentially accelerating the discovery of new molecules and materials. The vast landscape of chemical space has given rise to multidisciplinary approaches to combining experimental and computational chemistry for the discovery of new chemical substances and materials in a wide range of fields including material catalysis and drug design.

How Does Machine Learning Aid in Chemical Property Prediction?

Machine learning and deep learning techniques are overcoming the limitations of quantum chemistry and first-principles calculations to enable a more extensive exploration of the chemical space. With machine learning, physics-inspired descriptors that characterize the chemical space have been developed and serve as the cornerstone for building efficient and highly accurate models.

Smooth overlap of atomic positions (SOAP), Faber-Christensen-Huang-Lilienfeld (FCHL), and similar descriptors offer atom-level descriptions within molecular or material environments based on physical insights and are effective in regressing chemical quantities such as interatomic potentials (IAP) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts.

However, the dimensionality of the descriptors becomes a barrier to generalization and high accuracy as the molecular or material composition becomes more diverse owing to the addition of different types of elements.

What Role Do Graph Neural Networks Play in Chemical Property Prediction?

Recently, deep-learning models based on graph neural networks (GNNs) have been proposed to describe chemical spaces using graph representations. In most GNN-based IAPs, atoms within a molecular or material environment are represented as nodes and their local connectivity as edges in a graph.

The graph is then convolved to embed atom-specific information within each node and further processed using multilayer perceptrons (MLP) to predict target observables. Numerous high-quality GNN-based IAPs have been developed for screening high-accuracy first-principles calculations and proposing molecular and crystal structures.

Universal graph-based IAPs capable of comprehensively handling molecules and materials such as MEGNet, M3GNet, Allegro, GNoME, and MACE have emerged and are advancing rapidly.

What are the Challenges and Solutions in Chemical Property Prediction?

Both descriptor-based and GNN methods face challenges. The former faces increased learning costs as the composition becomes more complex and the latter faces increasing parameter optimization costs with larger training datasets.

To address these issues simultaneously, the researchers focused on the potential utility of the outputs from pretrained GNN-based IAPs as descriptors. They considered these outputs GNN transfer learning (GNNTF) descriptors and built machine-learning models for predicting chemical properties.

There are existing studies attempting to apply pretrained GNN potentials to other tasks, particularly to generative modeling. The team’s method details the GNNTF descriptor and the kernel method implemented on both classical and quantum computers for predicting NMR chemical shifts of 1H, 13C, 15N, 17O, and 19F.

What is the Future of Chemical Property Prediction?

The performance of the developed machine learning models presents promising results for the future of chemical property prediction. The benefits and applications of the GNNTF descriptor are vast and varied.

The team’s method provides an efficient way to accurately predict properties, potentially accelerating the discovery of new molecules and materials. This could revolutionize fields such as material catalysis and drug design.

The researchers’ work is a significant step towards scalable chemical property prediction using quantum and classical computers. As the field continues to advance, the potential for further breakthroughs in chemical property prediction is immense.

Publication details: “Universal neural network potentials as descriptors: Towards scalable
chemical property prediction using quantum and classical computers”
Publication Date: 2024-02-28
Authors: Tomoya Shiota, Kenji Ishihara and Wataru Mizukami
Source: arXiv (Cornell University)