Ford Verifies the significance of Quantum Computing in future EV Battery Development.

Ford Verifies The Significance Of Quantum Computing In Future Ev Battery Development.

The results of a recent study with Quantinuum that modeled EV battery materials using quantum computers have been revealed by Ford quantum experts, suggesting that valuable chemical simulations will be achievable on future, more powerful systems.

The most modern quantum computers are incapable of performing highly accurate simulations of complicated, real-world molecules. To circumvent this limitation, Ford’s team of researchers used Quantinuum’s quantum chemistry platform InQuanto and its H-series ion-trap quantum hardware to do simulations of lithium-ion battery chemistry.

The researchers concluded in the study that quantum-based computational chemistry “can provide insights about the charge/discharge mechanisms, electrochemical and thermal stability, structural phase transition, and surface behavior, and it plays an important role in finding potential materials that can improve battery performance and robustness.”

Ford is speeding up electric vehicle production and is working to develop batteries that last longer and are safer as part of this effort.