Ivy league universities with Quantum Computing research

Ivy League Quantum Research

There are eight (8) universities that hold the prestigious title of an Ivy League University and not one of them is missing from the list of Universities devoting research resources to the advancement of Quantum Computing. In the list below, we take a look at the quantum computing research initiatives by Ivy League Universities.

Harvard University

Probably one of the top Ivy League schools when it comes to quantum computing research, Harvard University has what it calls the Harvard Quantum Initiative, a research hub that carries out groundbreaking quantum computing research. The Harvard Quantum Initiative in Science and Engineering (HQI) is a community of researchers with an intense interest in advancing the science and engineering of quantum systems and their applications. The group’s mission is to help scientists and engineers explore new ways to transform quantum theory into useful systems and devices.

In 2020, in what was a ground-breaking demonstration, HQI used a quantum memory to extend the useable range of a quantum network past the usual transmission limit. And in 2022, a research alliance was announced between Amazon’s AWS and Harvard’s HQI to address the fundamental scientific challenges associated with building quantum networks.

Princeton University

Princeton University’s Princeton Quantum Initiative is the base for the university’s quantum research efforts. The initiative houses several research groups with research that focuses on Quantum Communication, Quantum Materials & New Qubits, Quantum Computing & Simulation, Sensing & Metrology, Quantum Control, and Spectroscopy, and Quantum Information and Architecture.

In 2022, Princeton University researchers discovered that a substance called a topological insulator, made of the elements bismuth and bromine, exhibits specialized quantum behaviors that are typically only observed under extremely challenging experimental circumstances, such as high pressures and temperatures close to absolute zero. The discovery paves the way for the creation of effective quantum technologies, including spin-based, high-energy-efficiency circuits.

Yale University

Yale University’s Yale Quantum Institute is the base for the university’s quantum research efforts. To strengthen Yale’s position as a pioneer in quantum science and technology, the Yale Quantum Institute was established. It serves as a meeting place for theoretical and experimental Yale researchers working in the areas of quantum measurement, quantum control, and quantum many-body physics. The Institute also holds conferences and seminars in subfields related to its primary objective and has an active visitors program to attract quantum information scientists from top institutions worldwide.

The past two decades have seen breakthroughs in both the theory and the practice of quantum science. The properties of superposition and entanglement once thought of as paradoxical and counterintuitive, are now understood instead as unique resources, which is an example of a breakthrough by the Initiative.

Columbia University

Columbia University’s Quantum Research hub sits in the University’s Columbia Quantum Initiative. The initiative’s research themes include Fundamentals, Atoms & Molecules, Materials & Nanoscience, Optics & Electronics, and Computing & Simulation.

The initiative’s multidisciplinary team of theoretical scientists, experimentalists, and engineers conducts fundamental investigations into the quantum universe, including work on photons, atoms, molecules, quantum materials, and quantum devices. The team is combining scientific fields, fabricating structures and materials with cutting-edge methods, and creating custom instruments to study quantum events. New quantum devices with applications in computing, communications, energy, finance, health, and climate are beginning to be produced as a result of the initiative’s combined efforts across various quantum research fields.

Dartmouth College

Dartmouth College’s Whitfield Group focuses on Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Research. The group’s research is especially focused on how quantum mechanics affects computation, both in terms of quantum computers and classical models of quantum information. In addition to addressing the long-standing question of what (if anything) modern quantum computation can tell us about fermionic systems of applied interest, important applications to be taken into consideration include the study of compression techniques for quantum systems (for example, matrix product states, density functional and density matrix theories). The group can also make accommodations for the specific interests of members using a wide range of techniques from condensed matter to statistical physics and electronic structure.

University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania boasts a Quantum Engineering Laboratory that uses optics and electronics to study quantum dynamics in nanoscale materials and devices. In order to create new quantum-based technologies for communication, computation, and sensing, the group is working to better comprehend complicated quantum-mechanical systems. The group’s main research areas are quantum control, new materials, sensing & imaging, and quantum photonics.

Cornell University

Cornell Research is the hub of all the University’s research, including quantum computing research. Quantum research areas undertaken at Cornell Research include High-Energy Physics, Quantum Algorithms & Applications, Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Computing Systems & Architecture, Quantum Information Hardware & Devices, Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Materials (Experiments), Quantum Materials (Theory), Quantum Optics, Quantum Sensing, and Quantum Simulation. In 2022, Cornell research received a $10 million donation from David W. Meehl, an ex-student of the University, towards the advancement of research in Quantum Computing.

Brown University

The major hub of quantum research at the prestigious Brown University is the Rubenstein Group, with the University’s Department of Physics also partaking in some quantum research. The Rubenstein Group is a theoretical chemistry group that investigates many issues in quantum chemistry, quantum physics, and biophysics using both analytical and computational approaches. The group’s present research focuses on creating new approaches to studying issues in molecular and quantum computing, biophysical modeling, and quantum and statistical mechanics.

Part of the group’s listed research interests is Pinpointing sources of anomalous noise in quantum Computers. The group welcomes summer students, high school students, undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral associates from diverse backgrounds who have the passion, creativity, and perseverance to solve complex problems. 


Quantum Computing is taking shape to be one of the greatest phenomenons of the century and it is evident in the number of schools and universities scrambling to not only create and offer degree programs that teach quantum computing but also to create hubs of research to advance the field as a whole.

Although each and every one of these research hubs are doing much-needed research, the Harvard Quantum Initiative (HQI) stands out amongst its peers as the leading Ivy League University in Quantum Research, with discoveries and demonstrations like the one discussed above, and partnerships with companies like Amazon’s AWS.