Rigetti Launches Novera QPU Partner Program, Boosting On-Premises Quantum Computing

Rigetti Launches Novera Qpu Partner Program, Boosting On-Premises Quantum Computing

Rigetti Computing has launched the Novera QPU Partner Program, aiming to enable high-performing, on-premises quantum computing. The program creates an ecosystem of quantum computing hardware, software, and service providers. Customers can work with partners to build a quantum computer powered by the Novera QPU. Founding members of the program include Bluefors, Quantum Machines, Zurich Instruments, Q-CTRL, Strangeworks, Classiq, Horizon Quantum Computing, TreQ, ParTec AG, and Riverlane. The Novera QPU is a 9-qubit quantum processing unit based on Rigetti’s fourth generation Ankaa-class architecture.

Rigetti Computing’s Novera QPU Partner Program

Rigetti Computing, a company known for its work in full-stack quantum-classical computing, has announced the launch of the Novera QPU Partner Program. This initiative aims to foster an ecosystem of quantum computing hardware, software, and service providers who contribute to the development of a functional quantum computing system. The program allows Novera QPU customers to collaborate with Novera QPU partners to build a quantum computer that meets their system requirements and research objectives.

The Novera QPU Partner Program includes several of Rigetti’s long-standing partners, who are recognized for their contributions to quantum computing technology. These include Bluefors in the field of cryogenics, Quantum Machines and Zurich Instruments for control systems, and software providers such as Q-CTRL, Strangeworks, Classiq, and Horizon Quantum Computing. Integration and service providers include TreQ, ParTec AG, and QEC Solutions provider Riverlane. Rigetti plans to expand the Novera QPU Partner Program with additional partners in the future.

The Novera QPU: A Closer Look

The Novera QPU is a 9-qubit quantum processing unit (QPU) based on Rigetti’s fourth-generation Ankaa-class architecture. It features tunable couplers and a square lattice for denser connectivity and fast 2-qubit operations. The Novera QPU is manufactured in Rigetti’s Fab-1, the industry’s first dedicated and integrated quantum device manufacturing facility.

The Novera QPU includes all of the hardware below the mixing chamber plate (MXC) of a dilution refrigerator. In addition to a 9-qubit chip with a 3×3 array of tunable transmons, the Novera QPU components include a puck that contains both the 9-qubit and 5-qubit chips, a tower that connects coaxial cables between the puck and the SMA patch panel, shields that surround the tower to isolate the puck from infrared radiation and stray magnetic fields, and payload brackets and a signal chain installed around the tower with mounted signal conditioning devices.

Building a Functional Quantum Computing System

While a QPU is the core of a quantum computer, a functioning quantum computing system also requires a dilution refrigerator and a control system. Depending on a customer’s research goals, system requirements, and use cases, various quantum software and integration resources can be integrated with the Novera QPU.

Rigetti CEO, Dr. Subodh Kulkarni, expressed that the Novera QPU offers a unique opportunity to support the development of on-premises quantum computing capabilities worldwide. He emphasized Rigetti’s expertise in overcoming the challenges of building, installing, and supporting a quantum computing system and the value of their long-lasting partnerships with world-leading quantum technology companies.

Among the early adopters of small-scale, high-performing QPUs like the Novera QPU are government agencies. The first two Novera QPU sales were to leading US government labs — the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center (SQMS) led by Fermilab, and the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). Rigetti also recently sold a Novera QPU to Horizon Quantum Computing for their first quantum computing system, to be installed in their new hardware testbed in Singapore. Quantum computing researchers across academia and industry are also beginning to invest in this technology as it is a promising resource to advance quantum computing workforce development.

The launch of the Novera QPU Partner Program follows Rigetti’s recent achievements with its larger-scale Ankaa-class quantum systems. Rigetti’s 84-qubit Ankaa-2 system, available over the cloud via Rigetti’s Quantum Cloud Services (QCS) cloud computing platform, recently achieved a 98% median 2-qubit gate fidelity. This performance marks a 2.5X increase in error performance compared to the Company’s previous QPUs.

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