Nu Quantum and Cisco Partner on UK Government-Funded Quantum Network Project LYRA

Nu Quantum And Cisco Partner On Uk Government-Funded Quantum Network Project Lyra

Cambridge-based quantum networking company, Nu Quantum, has partnered with Cisco to create a scalable quantum data center prototype, funded by the UK government. The project, named LYRA, aims to deliver a modular, rack-mount quantum networking unit that can support a large cluster of quantum-compute nodes. The goal of quantum computing is to solve problems beyond the capabilities of current computers. Carmen Palacios, CEO of Nu Quantum, and Peter Shearman, Head of Co-Innovation at Cisco UK & Ireland, expressed excitement about the potential of quantum computing and the partnership’s role in advancing the technology.

Nu Quantum and Cisco Collaborate on Quantum Networking Project

Cambridge-based quantum networking company, Nu Quantum, has announced a collaboration with networking infrastructure provider, Cisco, on a government-funded project. The project, known as LYRA, aims to develop a modular, scalable quantum data centre prototype. The UK government has awarded Nu Quantum a contract for this project under the ‘SBRI: Quantum Networks, Enabling Components & Systems’ competition. Cisco is expected to contribute to the system requirements and evaluate the final deliverables.

LYRA: A Modular Approach to Quantum Networking

The LYRA project focuses on creating 19-inch rack-mount modules for control-plane and optical interfacing. This modular design allows for in-field upgrades to accommodate different quantum computer modalities and alternative wavelengths. The system also includes a new high-precision timing architecture and digital control bus, enabling it to scale to support a large cluster of quantum-compute nodes.

Quantum computing aims to solve problems that are currently beyond the capabilities of even the most advanced classical computers. To achieve this, quantum computers will require millions of physical qubits, which is significantly more than what current quantum computers can handle. The LYRA project is designed to support this need by providing a modular, scalable quantum networking unit (QNU) prototype.

The contract awarded to Nu Quantum for the LYRA project is valued at £2.3m. This is in addition to other procurement contracts that the company has received directly from the UK Government in 2023.

Stakeholder Comments on the LYRA Project

Carmen Palacios, Co-founder and CEO of Nu Quantum, expressed her gratitude for the contract and the partnership with Cisco. She highlighted that the LYRA QNU is a significant step towards bringing quantum technology out of the lab and into practical use. Peter Shearman, Head of Co-Innovation at Cisco UK & Ireland, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the potential of quantum computing and the need for quantum networking to realize this potential. Roger McKinlay, Challenge Director – Quantum Technologies for UK Research and Innovation, praised the partnership between Nu Quantum and Cisco, stating that such collaborations are crucial for the development and adoption of transformative technology.