Neural Networks Enhance Quantum Computing Accuracy Amidst Noise Challenges

Neural Networks Enhance Quantum Computing Accuracy Amidst Noise Challenges

Quantum computing, a field that merges quantum mechanics and computational theory, faces challenges due to the delicate nature of quantum systems and their susceptibility to noise and error. The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm, which combines quantum mechanics and classical optimization techniques, is a promising tool for harnessing the power of quantum devices. However, quantum noise remains a significant issue. A new approach to tackle this problem is Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE), which uses neural networks to understand how a quantum system behaves under varying levels of artificially introduced noise. This research explores the integration of ZNE with VQE, aiming to improve the accuracy of quantum computations.

What is the Role of Quantum Computing and its Challenges?

Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field that combines quantum mechanics and computational theory. It promises to revolutionize the way we process information by offering computational capacities far beyond the reach of classical machines. However, the potential of quantum computing is not without its challenges. Quantum systems are inherently delicate and susceptible to various sources of noise and error, which can drastically affect computational accuracy.

One of the most promising algorithms designed to harness the power of near-term quantum devices is the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE). VQE stands at the confluence of quantum mechanics and classical optimization techniques, aiming to find the lowest state of a given Hamiltonian. Its hybrid nature, leveraging both quantum and classical resources, makes it particularly suited for current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. However, even with such promising tools as VQE, the omnipresent challenge remains the noise in quantum devices.

Quantum noise, a consequence of the interactions of quantum systems with their environment, introduces errors that can skew results, making them unreliable or entirely incorrect. Depolarizing noise, phase damping, and amplitude damping are just a few examples of the myriad of noise types that quantum devices can experience. The challenge then is to devise methods that can either mitigate the effects of this noise or correct for it post-facto.

How Does Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE) Tackle Quantum Noise?

Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE) is an innovative technique designed to tackle the noise problem head-on. ZNE operates on a simple yet powerful premise: by understanding how a quantum system behaves under varying levels of artificially introduced noise, one can extrapolate its behavior under zero noise conditions. In essence, by studying the system’s behavior at its worst, ZNE aims to predict its performance at its best.

In this research, the integration of ZNE with VQE using neural networks as a novel bridge between noisy quantum computations and their ideal counterparts is explored. By addressing the noise challenge, the work aims to pave the way for more reliable quantum computations in the NISQ era.

The main contribution of this paper is to present a novel approach to improving the accuracy of Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm in the presence of quantum noise. By integrating neural networks for zero noise extrapolation (ZNE), the research demonstrates enhanced performance of VQE computations in noisy environments. Specifically, the findings conclude that neural networks offer more accurate results when extrapolated to a zero-noise scenario compared to real quantum devices.

What is the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE)?

The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) has become a frontrunner in the quest to harness the power of quantum computers, especially for tasks such as simulating quantum systems. At its core, VQE is a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm aimed at determining the ground state energy of a quantum system.

The approach involves parametrizing a quantum circuit, which is then executed on a quantum processor to produce a state. The expectation value of this state with respect to a given Hamiltonian is subsequently computed. Classical optimization algorithms then adjust the circuit’s parameters to minimize this expectation value, iteratively refining the state until it approximates the system’s ground state. The hybrid nature of VQE, imposing the powers of both classical and quantum computing, makes it particularly apt for current quantum devices, which are still in their nascent, noisy stages.

How Does Quantum Noise Affect Quantum Computing?

Speaking of noise, it is the elephant in the room when discussing real-world quantum computing. While quantum circuits can perform operations that are fundamentally unattainable for classical circuits, they are also susceptible to various types of noise. This noise, a consequence of the interactions of quantum systems with their environment, introduces errors that can skew results, making them unreliable or entirely incorrect.

Depolarizing noise, phase damping, and amplitude damping are just a few examples of the myriad of noise types that quantum devices can experience. The challenge then is to devise methods that can either mitigate the effects of this noise or correct for it post-facto. This is where the integration of ZNE with VQE using neural networks comes into play, offering a novel approach to improving the accuracy of quantum computations in the presence of quantum noise.

How Can Neural Networks Enhance Quantum Computing?

The research introduces a novel approach to ameliorate the challenge of quantum noise by utilizing neural networks for zero noise extrapolation (ZNE) in VQE computations. By employing the Qiskit framework, parameterized quantum circuits using the RYRZ ansatz were crafted and examined under varying levels of depolarizing noise.

The investigations spanned from determining the expectation values of a Hamiltonian defined as a tensor product of Z operators under different noise intensities to extracting the ground state energy. To bridge the observed outcomes under noise with the ideal noise-free scenario, a Feed Forward Neural Network was trained on the error probabilities and their associated expectation values.

Remarkably, the model proficiently predicted the VQE outcome under hypothetical noise-free conditions. By juxtaposing the simulation results with real quantum device executions, the discrepancies induced by noise were unveiled and the efficacy of the neural network-based ZNE technique in rectifying them was showcased. This integrative approach not only paves the way for enhanced accuracy in VQE computations on NISQ devices but also underlines the immense potential of hybrid quantum-classical paradigms in circumventing the challenges posed by quantum noise.

Publication details: “Enhancing Quantum Variational Algorithms with Zero Noise Extrapolation
via Neural Networks”
Publication Date: 2024-03-10
Authors: Subhasree Bhattacharjee, Soumyadip Sarkar, Kamalika Das, Bikramjit Sarkar, et al.
Source: arXiv (Cornell University)