Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific and Collaborators Pave the Way for a Quantum-Powered Navy

Naval Information Warfare Center (Niwc) Pacific And Collaborators Pave The Way For A Quantum-Powered Navy

Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific’s team of scientists, in collaboration with its partners and the National Science & Technology Council’s Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science, is dedicated to exploring the possibilities of quantum technology. By working alongside quantum experts nationwide, they are actively investigating the potential impact of harnessing quantum phenomena on the Navy and its warfighters.

Through cutting-edge research and development efforts, NIWC Pacific’s scientists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in quantum technology. By exploring new and innovative applications of quantum mechanics, they are helping to pave the way for the Navy’s future success in the face of evolving challenges and threats.

NIWC Pacific’s Quantum Research Aims to Enhance Navy Capabilities for Modern Warfare

The collaboration and interdisciplinary approach taken by NIWC Pacific’s team of experts allows for a comprehensive understanding of the potential benefits and challenges associated with quantum technology. As they continue to explore the capabilities of quantum phenomena, the Navy and its warfighters will be better equipped to navigate the complex landscape of modern warfare and maintain a competitive edge in the years to come.

“It’s a very exciting field because we have a lot of puzzles that still need to be solved. Our researchers don’t want to work on something that’s been done before. We’re looking ahead at how quantum computing can solve real-life problems for the Navy.”

Joanna Ptasinski, Head of NIWC Pacific’s Cryogenic Electronics and Quantum Research Branch

The pursuit of new frontiers in quantum technology shows no signs of slowing down. Recently, the Naval Research Laboratory and NIWC Pacific joined forces to establish the Naval Quantum Computing Program Office on December 2. This initiative brings together quantum experts from all 14 naval warfare centers to collaborate on the development of quantum applications for the Department of Defense.

The program office will be responsible for overseeing access to the Air Force Research Laboratory’s hub, which provides advanced quantum computing power via the IBM Quantum Network. NIWC Pacific is set to launch the first project on the hub, marking an important step forward in the development of cutting-edge quantum technologies for the Navy and the Department of Defense as a whole.

NIWC Pacific’s Ongoing Investment in Quantum Education and Research

NIWC Pacific’s scientists and engineers are preparing for a new government-owned facility dedicated to quantum research, where they will design and test powerful and precise quantum prototypes. Meanwhile, Ptasinski is organizing training opportunities for scientists across the country, including a course on quantum mechanics taught by a professor from the Naval Postgraduate School and open to the Defense Intelligence Agency.

“We have many dedicated and motivated scientists and engineers expanding our quantum portfolio. Our researchers have connections to not only industry and other government labs, but also with researchers across the world. We’re the U.S. experts in high-temperature superconductor sensors. Among the warfare centers, we’re leading quantum information science and technology.”

Joanna Ptasinski, Head of NIWC Pacific’s Cryogenic Electronics and Quantum Research Branch

Outstanding performers will have the opportunity to attend IBM’s Quantum Summer School, a highly exclusive program where renowned quantum experts teach a select group of students from around the world. Afterward, students from NIWC Pacific will conduct hands-on experiments in the quantum optics laboratory under the guidance of Ptasinski and her colleagues. This ongoing commitment to education and research ensures that NIWC Pacific remains at the forefront of the rapidly-evolving field of quantum technology.

Read more about it here.