UK Quantum Map: 230 Businesses, 295 Research Groups Mapped in £2.5bn National Quantum Strategy

Uk Quantum Map: 230 Businesses, 295 Research Groups Mapped In £2.5Bn National Quantum Strategy

The Quantum Technology Innovation Network at Innovate UK Business Connect has developed an interactive tool mapping the UK’s quantum technology landscape, a UK Quantum Map. The tool lists over 230 businesses involved in quantum technology and 295 research groups across the UK. It also includes information on the country’s six major national quantum centers, including the four Quantum Hubs, the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC), and the Quantum Metrology Institute of the National Physical Laboratory. The tool is part of the UK’s £2.5bn national quantum strategy and aims to speed up the adoption of quantum sciences and technologies.

Quantum Landscape: An Overview of the UK’s Quantum Capabilities

The United Kingdom has seen a significant increase in quantum activity, driven by a national strategy to commercialize quantum sciences and technologies. This surge in quantum activity has led to developing a wide range of industrial and research capabilities. In 2020, the Quantum Technology Innovation Network at Innovate UK Business Connect compiled these capabilities into an interactive, searchable, and open-access tool. This tool maps existing businesses, publicly funded projects, research groups, national centers, and postgraduate training programs. It has been updated to include fabrication facilities and a list of quantum computers launched by companies operating in the UK.

The UK Quantum team at Innovate UK Business Connect hopes this tool will become a reference point for quantum capabilities in the UK, supporting the goals of the £2.5bn national quantum strategy released in 2023. The tool is designed to help users find suitable contact points within academia and industry.

Quantum Landscape: Businesses and Research Groups

The UK Quantum landscape map lists over 230 businesses, including quantum technology developers, consultancies, end users, supply chains, and innovation networks. It allows refined searches based on areas of expertise and capabilities, funded organization, region, and type of funding entity.

In addition to businesses, the tool also provides information on 295 research groups located in institutions and universities across the UK. These listings include links to the groups’ web pages and an overview of their research interests.

Quantum Landscape: National Centres and Research Capabilities

The UK’s research capabilities in quantum technologies are primarily concentrated within six major national centers. These include the four Quantum Hubs, the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC), and the Quantum Metrology Institute of the National Physical Laboratory.

Quantum Landscape: Training Programmes

Training the next generation of quantum engineers and scientists is crucial for society and industry adoption of quantum sciences and technologies. To this end, the tool lists 32 active postgraduate training centers. These include centers for doctoral training, programs, and training and skills hubs.

The quantum team at Innovate UK Business Connect is committed to keeping the tool updated with new and relevant information. They welcome feedback from users and encourage them to get in touch with the quantum technologies team. The tool is expected to play a significant role in supporting the UK quantum capability and national quantum strategy.

UK Quantum Companies

The quantum ecosystem is growing in the UK. There are quantum start-ups and scale-ups, some of which include Riverlane, Quantinuum, and OQC. For more on the UK Quantum Ecosystem, please take a look at the 20 UK Quantum Companies.

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