D-Wave CEO Advocates for Immediate Quantum Computing Adoption for Sustainable AI Future

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D-Wave Quantum Inc.’s CEO, Dr. Alan Baratz, urges business leaders to prioritize quantum computing to enhance their AI capabilities. In a Forbes Technology Council column, Baratz suggests that quantum computing could help develop more powerful and sustainable AI models, offering a more scalable and energy-efficient solution. He believes that the combination of quantum computing and AI could help organizations optimize operations, reduce costs, and lower carbon emissions. D-Wave is the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers and has been used by organizations like Mastercard, Deloitte, and Lockheed Martin.

Quantum Computing and AI: A Call for Integration

Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO of D-Wave Quantum Inc., a company specializing in quantum computing systems, software, and services, has urged business leaders to prioritize the exploration of quantum computing in their AI adoption strategies. This call to action was made in his recent guest column for the Forbes Technology Council.

Quantum Computing: A Sustainable Solution for AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance at a remarkable pace, but this progress comes with a significant energy cost. Dr. Baratz suggests that quantum computing could provide a more sustainable solution. Quantum computing, with its superior scalability and energy efficiency, could help develop more powerful AI models. This could lead to what Dr. Baratz refers to as “supercharged optimization.”

Quantum AI: A Strategic Advantage

Dr. Baratz proposes that business leaders should start by identifying strategic areas where quantum AI could make an immediate impact. One such area is the prediction of supply and demand. More precise predictions could give organizations a competitive edge. Quantum AI could also help organizations align production more accurately with demand, minimizing the creation of excess goods and reducing waste through the supply chain.

Quantum Computing and Sustainability

The integration of quantum computing with AI could also have significant environmental benefits. By optimizing routing, production, and inventory management based on AI-powered forecasting, quantum and AI together could reduce the need for transportation and storage. This could lead to a reduction in costs and carbon emissions, making it a more sustainable choice for businesses.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. is a pioneer in developing and delivering quantum computing systems, software, and services. It is the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers and the only company building both annealing quantum computers and gate-model quantum computers.

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